Explore, store, and access event resources, presentations, and media files for the Sibiu Web Meetup, all powered by Cloudflare R2.
Cloudflare R2 is an object storage service, ideal for storing and accessing media files, documents, and resources for the Sibiu Web Meetup community. It offers cost-effective, reliable storage without the egress fees of traditional cloud services.
All event resources and media files are easily accessible through our Cloudflare R2 bucket.
With Cloudflare R2, we can store large amounts of data with no egress fees, making it ideal for growing communities like Sibiu Web Meetup.
R2 offers a more affordable storage solution without compromising on performance or accessibility.
Follow these steps to access and contribute to our Cloudflare R2 bucket:
Click the "Access R2 Bucket" button at the top to explore the available resources.
You can upload event presentations, media, and documentation directly to the bucket.
Download files such as event videos, slides, and other shared resources from past meetups.
Work with the community to upload and share valuable content for all participants.